Jun 29Liked by Jonathan Tonkin

Our governments understand the crisis and they understand the majority of the public want action. In April, Greta was arrested in The Hague. The Hague. Climate protesters get arrested daily and I'm not referring to Stonehenge. Our lawmakers know what to do but they enjoy receiving funding from oil and gas.

Mainstream media has become complacent. I know this to be true. Journalism was my career until a hedge fund bought my paper. Financial institutions own journalism.

Four years ago I shuttered a successful business which relied on clients going into the office and going on vacation. Taking the opportunity to change my life and make a difference. I sold and donated most of my possessions as well as my car. I moved from 3000 sq ft in a sprawling red state to 300 sq ft in a blue city. Living and working in the same neighborhood (15 min city) with every need a short walk, bike ride, bus trip away. Three organic farmers markets, perfect for a vegan. Portable AC used as little as possible.

Not everyone can do this but I've become aquainted with many who have adjusted their lives in similar fashion.

So when I read a study claiming the public may not be making enough noise, I get a little pissed off. My interest in the environment goes back many years before it was fashionable. Recently I observed a city sanitation worker train a new employee. They emptied the park trash can and recycling can into the same truck. Leadership. Government. Hope is what @AlexanderVerbeek gives us or this activist might throw in the towel.

There are members of the public who need to experience a climate event to understand. Getting off the bus in a significant downpour, a group of us ran to shelter in an apartment lobby. The hard rain acted as a power washer on the sidewalk. We were not only soaked but covered in dirt. They were stunned. I said, "climate change" and they looked at me as if I was crazy. But then nodded. I speak to folks regularly about climate and they listen politely then go back to making travel plans for their third trip to Europe this year.

Some people need to be scared to understand the impact. What disturbed me most about this study were the countries marked "no data" as they are most affected by our three trips to Europe.

I look forward to the ideas and potential solutions you discover, Jonathan. Thank you!

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Thanks Rena! Love hearing your story! Quite the journey.

Unfortunately it all comes down to $. We're currently stuck in a free market economy, which seems to make it hard to make the change we need happen. However, to your point specifically, I guess the point I was making and that Hannah Ritchie was making is that we tend to think many folks don't care about climate change. We know people in our own circles do, but we think those in different facets of society don't. But they probably do, and just don't know what they can do about it, or just put it in the too hard box. But if everyone knew that everyone cared, perhaps it'd be easier to put pressure on governments etc. to make change.

Thanks for your thoughts, Rena. Always super valuable.

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One thing I'm always looking for is more small, accessible ways to do things that actually mean something. Like I do the recycling while fully aware that most of the 'recycling' doesn't get recycled and that feels infuriating. I carry my reusable bag while seeing that half the produce even in the green markets where I try to shop locally is wrapped in damned foil and placed on styrofoam trays.

Is there small reasonable stuff that we can do that actually means something? I also love seeing the positive stories like the new mushrooms they've found that can revitalize heavily polluted land, new eco-sustainable ways to make 'plastics' from mycelium or bamboo or whatever, clever actions that protect the sea bed (like this epic organization in Italy I think that's dropping massive marble statues onto the sea floor, they're like a divers' gallery and also trawling nets get caught into them and get ripped, hahah, pure bloody genius.

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Thanks Lidija! That last one is super funny.

I think it all matters, but I hear you, the recycling thing is so frustrating, so are many others. All the packaging nowadays is ridiculous.

However, I think there are many things we can be doing and they add up. Eat lower on the food chain, take public transport or walk/bike, talk to your friends and family about it, get politically active, choose green energy, consume less, etc. One things for sure, we need collective action, but individual actions scale up. Keep going! :)

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